👋 Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Pursuit. In a world where we are drowning in information but starving for wisdom, I spend over 10 hours each week learning about living a fulfilling life, productivity, and building great products. I feel grateful to bring the highlights of my findings to you, saving you time in your search for wisdom. So go ahead, give it a try, and subscribe now if you haven’t already.
This week’s discovery:
🔮 How to create a compelling future #purpose
😮💨 How to say something uncomfortable - #communication
🐚 The Four Pillars of Integrity- #values
☮️ The Greatest Currency in the World - #values
😠 A Practical Tactic to Find Your Values - #values
⭐ A poem, an app, and music tracks…
🔮 How to create a compelling future
Developing a compelling future is crucial for enduring strength. Connecting with a part of yourself that is bigger than your problems and finding a reason to pursue it is the key. It must be something beyond just getting by or surviving. The secret to success is to care about something beyond yourself, something that brings meaning to your life and that you want to serve. Tony Robbins points out that if we get too caught up in our own thoughts, we will become stagnant. It is essential to identify what we are here to serve, what we are here to give, and what we are being called to do. This is what shapes us. Decide how you want to be, not just what you want to do
🎧 3-min
😮💨 How to say something uncomfortable
When you need to say something uncomfortable, try to detoxify your thoughts by asking a question or making an observation that you own. Avoid passing judgment and instead focus on sharing your perception. This way, you can open up a door for others who might be struggling to speak up. Remember that you are not alone and that by sharing your thoughts, you might help others do the same.
🎧 3-min
🐚 The Four Pillars of Integrity
This podcast episode resonated with me so much that I decided to bring up different parts of it in future editions.
To be fully alive is to be in integrity. Think of wholeness. Energetic wholeness. When one light goes out, the whole strand dims until it all goes out. It's the same with our lives. When we are not feeling fully alive, we need to check our four pillars of integrity.
1st Pillar: Radical Responsibility
Move out of blaming and criticizing. Claim agency over your experience. Blunt the victimhood. Don't blame the weather or the traffic. Be responsible for your experience. When you do this, a surge of energy comes back in the body. 🎧 4-min
2nd Pillar: Am I Willing to Feel My Feelings?
It's important to be willing to feel your feelings, even if it's uncomfortable. Traumatic experiences can make it difficult to access our emotions, but it's important to work through them and not suppress them. When we suppress our emotions, we waste energy that could be used towards feeling fully alive. It takes courage to be vulnerable and reveal our true selves, but this vulnerability leads to deeper connections with others. So don't be afraid to feel your feelings and be authentic with those around you. 🎧 2-min
☮️ The Greatest Currency in the World
I asked my mom and a few friends the question, "If you could only have ONE thing in life, what would it be?" They gave answers such as health, relationships, and so on. Initially, I was thinking along the same lines before listening to a podcast that changed my perspective. Now, I believe that having inner peace would be the one thing I would want above all else.
Transformation can be stressful and overwhelming, but inner peace is the greatest currency in this world. It is easy to forget this simple truth in times of stress and chaos. Wealthy individuals who possess everything money can buy often lack the tranquility that comes from within. They suffer emotionally, risk their relationships, and die young from unhealed traumas and stress. To navigate life with grace and mature leadership qualities, cultivate inner peace. It will support you in all aspects of life.
🎧 3-min
😠 A Practical Tactic to Find Your Values
One thing that can be helpful is paying attention to what triggers strong emotional reactions, such as anger or frustration, or even excitement. These intense feelings may be an indication that something resonates with a core value. I've noticed this in myself over the years, particularly when it comes to issues of equity, which is one of my core values. If I see or read something that violates that core value, I become very frustrated and upset. This reaction serves as a clue for me that it's touching on something important to me.
🎧 2-min
⭐ A poem, an app, and music tracks…
Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes behind you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to the Raven.
No two branches are the same to the Wren.
If what a tree or a branch does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.
Paste - Clipboard Manager: Paste is an app that I use every day. It helps me to copy and paste between devices and provides quick access to my clipboard history through search and pinned clips.
🎧 You’ll find mostly Ethnotronica, Organic House, World, and Organic Electronic here:
Previously on Pursuit: